The Rat Pack New Years CTF 22–23
Ctf writeup
Pronay Biswas (b0mk35h)

The Rat Pack New years CTF 22–23 hosted a CTF on the 4th of January 2023, which was a 12 hour CTF from 4:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. I participated in the CTF using the alias “b0mk35h” and solved 14 challenges and ranked 4th position.
The Challenges I have solved-
- Roborat
- Cryptography — Pt 1
- Cryptography — Pt 2
- Cryptography — Pt 3
- xorat
- Find the flags — Pt. 1
- Remorse
- JWT — 1
- Basic OSINT
- OSINT — Part 2
The pages below show a summary of how I found the flags by solving the challenges.
Web Challenge
challenge url-

- As mentioned, the name of this challenge is “roborat”. My first step was to check the “/robots.txt” file of this website and I got the path.

2. By using this path I have got my flag.

Cryptography challenges
> crypto- ZmxhZ3tJYW1Ob3RDcmF6eSwsLFlPVUFSRSEhfQ==
As I saw last of this crypto there was “==” in the last. “==” define the base 64 encoding. Then I have to use CyberChef to decode it.

> It was a very easy challenge. To solve this crypto I used CyberChef and got the flag.

> It was a very easy challenge, using CyberChef easily anyone can solve this.

4. xorat
> Based on the name of the challenge, I assume it is a XOR cipher. Then I used the tool to decrypt this file using the XOR cipher.

Forensics challenges
> From the name of this challenge we can understand that it is Morse code. Then I use the Morse code decoder online tool to decode the wav file and get the flag.

> I first used an online morse code decoder to decode the wav file, since it is a wav file. Then I found that it was not clear. There was something similar called spectrogram.

> Then I had to search for a spectrogram analyzer again to decode the WAV file. And I got the flag.

>JWT stands for “JSON Web Token”. I recall watching a video walkthrough and can apply that experience. I have opened the challenge. Then I right clicked and “inspect element”. Then I click on “Network” and try to find JWT but there is nothing there.

> Then click on the JWT file and watch the response code and find “Bearer…..”

> Copy the value and open a online tool and from there find value false and change the value true.

> Copy the code and past it to the main page and get the flag.

> In this challenge, the hints were — “Are you following our posts on social media …”. Then I decide to search Twitter for The XSS Rat gr33nm0nk hAck3rio Twitter profiles one by one. When visiting the hAck3rio Twitter page, I found a tweet with a link.

> I opened the link and got a photo of a “rat”.

> Then I downloaded it and checked the metadata with exiftool and got the flag.

In this challenge a link was given. And also a hint was there which is- “We have a hidden page on that is not mentioned in the code. Can you find it together with the flag?”
Then I opened the link and searched for the robots.txt file and got a hidden page.

Then I went to the page and nothing was there. I inspect the page code and found the flag within source code.


> With this challenge there was mention of a Discord link to solve this challenge. I clicked on the link and opened the Discord OSINT page.

> Then I opened this link- . And I started scrolling and got a comment by gr33nm0nk using morse code.

> Then using CyberChef decode the morse code and got the flag.

Source code challenge
> As soon as I open the challenge, I right-click on the mouse and select inspect element.

> Then I found the flag within the source code <!- — flag{……….}>

******************************Thank you***********************************