Unlocking Secrets: A Beginner’s Guide to RSA Encryption and Decryption in Python

Pronay Biswas
5 min readOct 3, 2023


Pronay Biswas

In the realm of cryptography, RSA stands tall as a formidable and widely-utilized asymmetric encryption algorithm. It plays a pivotal role in the realm of securing digital communications and safeguarding sensitive information. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to comprehend RSA encryption and delve into a Python program that showcases the art of RSA decryption.

Understanding RSA Encryption

RSA, an abbreviation for Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, takes its name from the brilliant minds behind its inception in 1977. Unlike symmetric encryption, which employs a single key for both encryption and decryption, RSA operates with a pair of keys: a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption.

To gain a grasp of how RSA encryption functions, let’s briefly summarize its core mechanics:

Key Generation:

  1. Two large prime numbers p and q are carefully selected.
  2. The modulus n is derived as n = p * q.
  3. Euler’s totient function φ(n) is calculated as φ(n) = (p — 1)(q — 1).
  4. An encryption exponent e is chosen, satisfying the condition 1 < e < φ(n) and ensuring it’s coprime to φ(n).
  5. The decryption exponent d is computed as the modular multiplicative inverse of e modulo φ(n).


To transmit an encrypted message, the sender acquires the recipient’s public key, consisting of (n, e). The plaintext message is numerically encoded, and the ciphertext is determined using this formula:

ciphertext = (plaintext^e) mod n


The recipient utilizes their private key (n, d) to decrypt the ciphertext. The plaintext is calculated as:

plaintext = (ciphertext^d) mod n

With a solid foundation in RSA encryption, let’s now venture into our Python program.

# Import the 'inverse' function from the 'Cryptodome.Util.number' module
from Cryptodome.Util.number import inverse

# Define the plaintext message 'm' to be encrypted
m = 12

# Define the prime numbers 'p' and 'q' for RSA encryption
p = 3
q = 17

# Calculate the modulus 'n' by multiplying 'p' and 'q'
n = (p * q)

# Calculate Euler's totient function 'phi' for 'n'
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

# Choose the public exponent 'e' (usually a small prime number, commonly 3 or 65537).
e = 5

# Calculate the private exponent 'd' using the modular multiplicative inverse of 'e' modulo 'phi'
d = inverse(e, phi)

# Encrypt the plaintext 'm' using the public key (n, e) and the 'pow' function
c = pow(m, e, n)

# Print the encrypted message.
print(f"The encrypted message is- {c}")

# Decrypt the ciphertext 'c' using the private key (n, d) and the 'pow' function
m = pow(c, d, n)

# Print the decrypted message
print(f"The decrypted message is- {m}")

Output of the above program-

The encrypted message is- 3
The decrypted message is- 12

This program functions as follows:

  1. Import the inverse function from the Cryptodome.Util.number module: This function is used to calculate the modular multiplicative inverse, a crucial part of RSA key generation.
  2. Define the plaintext message m to be encrypted: The variable m holds the message you want to encrypt. In this case, it’s set to the integer 12.
  3. Define the prime numbers p and q for RSA encryption: p and q are two distinct prime numbers used to generate the RSA modulus n.
  4. Calculate the modulus n by multiplying p and q: The modulus n is a part of both the public and private keys and is used in encryption and decryption.
  5. Calculate Euler’s totient function phi for n: The Euler’s totient function (also known as phi or ϕ) of n is calculated as (p — 1) * (q — 1). It is used in the RSA key generation process.
  6. Choose the public exponent e: e is the public exponent and is typically a small prime number, often set to 3 or 65537. It’s part of the public key.
  7. Calculate the private exponent d using the modular multiplicative inverse of e modulo phi: The inverse function is used to compute d such that (d * e) % phi = 1. d is a critical component of the private key.
  8. Encrypt the plaintext m using the public key (n, e) and the pow function: The plaintext m is raised to the power of e modulo n to produce the ciphertext c.
  9. Print the encrypted message: The code prints the ciphertext c to the console.
  10. Decrypt the ciphertext c using the private key (n, d) and the pow function: The ciphertext c is raised to the power of d modulo n to recover the original plaintext m.
  11. Print the decrypted message: The code prints the decrypted plaintext m to the console.

RSA CTF Challenge Solution:

Given data-

#Given value with the challenge
c = 28767758880940662779934612526152562406674613203406706867456395986985664083182
n = 73069886771625642807435783661014062604264768481735145873508846925735521695159
e = 65537

The Solution for the CTF Challenge-

# Import necessary functions from the 'Cryptodome' library.
from Cryptodome.Util.number import inverse, long_to_bytes

# Define the ciphertext 'c', modulus 'n', and public exponent 'e'.
c = 28767758880940662779934612526152562406674613203406706867456395986985664083182
n = 73069886771625642807435783661014062604264768481735145873508846925735521695159
e = 65537

# Define the prime factors 'p' and 'q' of the modulus 'n'.
p = 189239861511125143212536989589123569301
q = 386123125371923651191219869811293586459

# Calculate Euler's totient function 'phi' for 'n'.
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

# Calculate the private exponent 'd' using the modular multiplicative inverse of 'e' modulo 'phi'.
d = inverse(e, phi)

# Decrypt the ciphertext 'c' using the private key (n, d) and the 'pow' function.
m = pow(c, d, n)

# Convert the decrypted message 'm' from a long integer to bytes.
flag = long_to_bytes(m)

# Print the flag (decrypted message).
print(f"The flag is- {flag}")

The flag is- b’wctf2020{just_@_piece_0f_cak3}’



Pronay Biswas
Pronay Biswas

Written by Pronay Biswas

Secured NASA, Cisco, TATA Power, Inflectra, and so on | CEH | CAP | CNSP | Bug hunter | CTF Player 🚩

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